The Dances

Circles in so many locations over the years – dancers, musicians, leaders. A trip through time.

This photo by Bob Spencer, from the Cave in 2003 or so, was on the cover of Communities Magazine.
Outdoor dance in Canyonlands. Note moonrise behind cliff face.
Sky, in the cave.
Bernie and the Dance circle in the cave, from above.
Still in the cave.
Seeking musician harmony. I hope.
Bernie leading in the cave.
Wooden Shoe campground, in Canyonlands.
From the front of the cave.

From the back of the cave.
The cave, ready for us. The cave loved us.
And sometimes it rained and water filled the cave.
Sky leading in the cave.
The night cave.
Adrianna and Bobby.
Sky, possibly the last time we were in the cave.
Out of the cave and into the world. Via the Tent.
The HUPers (Hikers of Universal Peace), dancing in a cave in Butler wash (UT).

Now I think we’re in Moab.
Susan corralling the Dancers.
Bernie, having corralled the Dancers.
And then he gets to rock out.
And we rest in dark stillness.
And light-filled stillness.
And then we moved to Paonia, and an indoor space.
And we were happy!
During Covid, we did a zoom gathering.
In 2021, we were able to gather in person again, up the hill from Paonia.
The circle from above, more or less….

2023: We’re still at it, another location near Paonia.
And we’re still happy.

Next album, Meals and the Rumi Cafe, here.

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