Peacemaking, briefly, is the art of bringing everyone back into the circle, held with the same resources, love and support (for a fuller description, see ). It’s something many of us do as part of our daily lives, and this column is a way to raise our awareness of that, to recognize the many ways we contribute to peace in the world.

Barbe at the Puerto Morelos camp with Adrianna, at the Dance House. Photo by Jen Friedman (I think.)

At the Puerto Morelos camp, Barbe Chambliss read a couple of chapters from her upcoming book, Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn from Them. The readings were well attended by a fascinated audience. The book  will be published this spring, with chapters on fifteen women peacemakers from around the world, as well as chapters on lessons learned from these women, and things we can be doing in our own lives to be active, conscious peacemakers.

The book is the outgrowth of Barbe’s dissertation research, and is the culmination of twenty years of travel, interviews and research. 

You can find more information about the book, and sign up for Barbe’s mailing list here:

About Sky Roshay

Sky Roshay is a mentor, leader and teacher of the Dances of Universal Peace. Her passions include the spiritual journey, music and the Dance, and southwestern archaeology, which she shares with her husband Dennis and SamDog (Sufi Cat prefers napping.)

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