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~ Jump to our Upcoming Events here.
~ Go to Sky’s collected DUP events calendar here.
~ Go to information about the Deeper Dancing/Deeper leading monthly zoom sessions here.
~ Why come to our events? Find out here.
~ Read Sky’s DUP newsletter – most recent edition September 29, here.
~ Follow us on Facebook, “Dances of Universal Peace Bernie and Sky”, posts about our events and much more, here.

Sky and the Dances of Universal Peace

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
~ Lao Tzu

Words are only pointers, symbols that separate us from the now of experience, the immediacy of being.

And yet, words – and music – are powerful pointers that can direct us to that place beyond a personal self, beyond the illusion of separate “things”, into the seamless whole or the infinite ocean.

The Dances of Universal Peace are one such pointer.

The Dances are a spiritual journey of music and movement that birth energies of healing, love, compassion and transformation, and allow a dissolving into the space beyond a personal self.

For almost 25 years, Sky’s life path and the Dances have been merged. Sky – whatever “Sky” points at – is a leader and teacher of the Dances of Universal Peace, a musician, mentor for new, aspiring dance leaders and staff leader at six to eight camps a year. The “Deeper Dance” conversations Sky facilitates have become a regular feature at these camps, a way of attuning more deeply to the form and the energy of the Dances; see more here.

If this calls to you, consider joining Sky and other Beloveds at Dance events, weekends and multiple-day Dance Camps both in the U.S. and in Mexico.
Check out the Upcoming Events page to learn when and where.

Sky also publishes an almost-monthly newsletter, with information about the camps co-led with Bernie Heideman, Shivadam, Jen Friedman, Douglas Stevenson and others, other camps worldwide, and other articles of interest to our DUP community. You can view the most recent one, September 29, 2024, here



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