Puerto Morelos Winter Camp, Feb 13-19 2025

 Puerto Morelos Winter Dance Camp – “Drink with the Beloved!”
   13-19 February, 2025, Puerto Morelos (south of Cancun)

The Puerto Morelos Dance Camp celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022. Founded by Bernie and Adrianna Heideman, it has become a unique tradition attracting a diverse attendance from North America and Canada during those countries’ winter months, and acting as a connecting event with dancers and Dance leaders in Mexico. The camp also features many offerings from the community that facilitate a deepening experience of connection and the sacred with art, qigong, singing circles, meditation, kirtan, cacao ceremonies, philosophical discussions and of course the beloved Rumi Cafe. 

Camp will start Thursday evening, February 13th, and the final Dance session will be Wednesday evening, February 19th. A pre-retreat evening Dance will follow site prep on Wednesday February 12th.

Cost is $225-$350/person as you can afford, including one community meal, and does not include lodging. Registration deadline is 15 January. 

Registration is now open: 


A website with a huge amount of information about travel, Puerto Morelos, the camp, etc can be found here or with this QR code.

We are putting together a team of Dance leaders, led by Jen Friedman, the new spiritual director of this camp, with Sky Roshay, Zareen Connie Delaney and supporting leaders Dave Nur-al-Haqq Walker, Jessie Sitara Noe, Robin Schnitzler and Douglas Stevenson. Bernie Heideman may or may not join us; stay tuned.

Dave Nur-al-Haqq Walker is organizing lodging at Las Arenas (was Villa Latinas, then Gota del Sal, then Villas del Mar, now Las Arenas – the same hotel we’ve been using for many many years by whatever name). We have the whole 30-room hotel booked for the time of the retreat (and over half of the rooms are already reserved). See the PMDUP website “Booking Las Arenas” webpage for details, here.

If you are attending the Troncones Deepening Retreat and want to continue on to Puerto Morelos, a group of us will be flying from Zihautanejo to Cancun in order to do that, probably on Monday Feb 10. Ask Wayne Talmadge, the Deepening retreat registrar, about how to be included in that, Wayne.talmadge@gmail.com​. Although we will not make your plane reservations, we will make sure you are included in the airport shuttles at either end of the trip.

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