PHOTOS: Troncones (MX), Jan-Feb 2025

We returned to Troncones for the fourth annual bilingual Dance retreat, and the third Deepening Retreat. It was a great blessing to see many new faces and to reconnect with beloveds from years past. Thanks to all the photographers whose work is included here, though Sky has lost track of all the names and is having to fight with WhatsApp and the website to get anything loaded at all (grrrrr)…

The cast of “All My Relations/Todas Mis Relaciones” Bilingual Dance Leader Training.
The cast of “Radiant Transparency,” the Deepening Retreat.
One of many beautiful sunrises on the beach.
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Taking the Dances to the local elementary school: Bonnie Grace, Elizabeth, Diego and Rebecca.
The turtle rescue project helped many baby tortoises make their way to the sea.
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