PHOTOS: Joyful Journey March 2025

The dates of this retreat coincide with Bernie and Sky’s shared birthday, and as Bernie said, “This was the best birthday ever.” Thanks to photographer David Weihnacht for most of these vignettes, with additional images from Sky, Deb and Jyoti.

Us. Happy.
Sunrise over the mountains and the entryway to the pools.
Scott and his kirtan band.
Kirtan dancers.
The flautists, then they dissolved into bliss.
Pensive musicians.
Seymour the seahorse who sees more, a recent Mexican immigrant.
The guy in the print shirt is David our photographer.
The birhday duo, Bernie and Sky.
Singing “God danced the day you were born,” to Bernie and Sky, with their birthday cakes, baked by the Joyful Journey cook.
Bernie’s cake, spice; Sky’s cake, chocolate.
A beautiful improved version of a Hostess creme filled cupcake!

Full moon rise over the mountains and the lodge at Joyful Journey.

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