Murshid Sam said if people could “eat, Dance and pray together”, the world would know peace. We do all of that, adding “play” in as well. So here are some of our communal meals, and vignettes from the Rumi Cafe over the years.
An early dinner at the large group site in Canyonlands National Park.
Before we started the Rumi Cafe tradition, the kids would create skits and provide dinner theater for us.
Outdoor meals in Comb Wash were sometimes interesting.
We were campers once… (Comb Wash)
An early Rumi Cafe skit (Comb Wash)
Poetry at the Rumi Cafe (Comb Wash)
Another skit. It was way more hilarious than this photo shows (Comb Wash)
More poetry in Comb Wash.
And in between we ate (Comb Wash).
A comparatively quiet meal.
And then more Rumi Cafe, the men’s choir.
And more Rumi Cafe – with pictures!
A Rumi Cafe emcee, with assistant (Moab site I))
And then we eat again (Moab site I))
Sometimes those who arrive early had a real dinner in a real restaurant (Moab)
The dishwashing set up at camp.
A quiet meal away from the horde.
A potluck with the horde, and a cake! (Moab site I)
A quiet meal after a hard day’s work of site prep, with dog. (Moab site II)
Another early arrivals civilized dinner (Moab)
The Rumi Cafe carried on (Paonia site I).
Wow, did the Rumi Cafe carry on (Paonia site I)
Rumi Cafe sweetness (Paonia site I)
Pre dinner musical entertainment (Paonia site I)
And the Rumi Cafe carried on (Paonia site I)
And on (Paonia site II)
And on! (Paonia site III)
Yayyy us!
Next and last album, Campfires, Art and more, here.