Campfires, Art, and More
A collection of sweet images over the years that don’t fit into other categories.
Cave altar, 2004.
We went barefoot in those days. Cave, 2005.
Cave art by Clint.
Another Cave altar, 2007.
Peace flag, Comb Wash.
Campfire, Comb Wash, 2010.
Campfire musician, Comb Wash 2010.
Clothing exchange, Comb Wash, 2012.
Instruments in the center, Comb Wash, 2012.
Circle via computer art.
Campfire music, 2015, Moab.
More computer art.
Campfire, Moab, 2015.
Moab campfire circle, 2016.
Moab, 2016.
Campfire music, Moab, 2017.
Clothing exchange, Moab.
Our great sign.
Bazaar items.
Mostly we were fortunate with weather. This wasn’t one of those times. Moab, 2017.
Moab storm, 2017.
After Moab storm, 2017.
Also after Moab storm, 2017.
Prep work for a new site in Moab that didn’t work out well, alas.
Instruments in the center, Paonia, 2018.
Jam session, Paonia, 2019.
More jamming, Paonia, 2021.
Camp art, Paonia, 2021.
More jamming, Paonia 2021.
More camp art.
Conch blower. Paonia, 2022.